Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Things We See

I sit in the coffee shop I have come to call my own.  Thinking of things that would probably be better left unthought.  While I watch the students of Kansas University argue and debate over their classes and the co-workers talk of things probably unimportant; I wonder what would they do if they knew the struggles of everyday Native Americans.

While thoughts of hearing a person scoff at what I find disheartening and honestly hurtful disconcerting to me, it may be thought as someone else's problem to them.  It hurts to see the struggle of those less fortunate than yourself and to watch the creativity of one squandered on the notion 'I am an artist.  I act this way because I'm creative.'  It still leaves no excuse to not become involved in the struggles of the lesser.   

I know what you're thinking..."Why care when I can't do anything about it?" 

That's the point isn't it?  This is why we do what we do.  No, It's not.  As a person you have not only the pleasure, but an obligation to help another person in need.  Yes, the human race as a whole are selfish, vile creatures, but what happens when YOU are the one that needs help?  Will you ask that question again?

People cry around about not being able to get out of a rut and depression sets the stage for a fiasco that is just waiting to prey upon your unfortunate disposition, but if the people that know what it's like to live that have gone on to create empires out of nothing can do it...My question to you is, "Why can't you?"

Now I have seen first hand what poverty and depression can do to a person.  It's up to you to pick yourself up and be happy.  Only you can do it...Now it's not a question of 'if' you get help, but 'Can' you help yourself?

You can't depend on others to bring you happiness forever, although it is a nice suggestion.  The point is.  You have to get up and do what have to do to get where you want to be.

Now I've ranted and raved over this until I was blue in the face.  I know from personal experience what it's like to not have anyone to depend on, but yourself.  IF I can do what I have to, to get where I want...Then why can't you?

The lesser have a hard time to do some things, but they can do it and have done it.  Many, many times have we seen a homeless child still attend school and come up as something great.

If a person asks for a dollar and you scoff at them...think about this the next time.

What if that person was trying to get enough money to get the help they needed?

What if that person had a family and that dollar was saving them from getting their home taken away?

I understand the logical side and the human side of this situation, but do you?

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