Thursday, June 12, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

No Legacy is so rich as honesty. - William Shakespeare

Quotes come from the brain and sometimes leave a lasting impression.  We’re not sure where exactly they come from; maybe you heard it somewhere and decided to say it…or something of that nature.  We say these things like mantras to get ourselves through the next day or year. 
My younger cousin, who we’ll call Cassie, decided to live her life from a quote she read while she was reading a fanfiction.  Define Fanfiction, for us Kaeru, please:  Fanfiction: fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.
Not just any fanfiction, but from Twilight.  Now I don’t really care for the series, because the undertone of letting someone else control your life seems pretty daunting, to say the least.  Any way there was one quote that she has lived by since she first read these stories.  Now I do give credit to some of the writers of the stories because they, clearly, have a better grasp of Stephanie Meyers’ world than even she does.  This quote that she read was this: You are worth it.

Now this quote is actually very inspirational and I have to agree with her that it does send your confidence up when you are trying new things, or you just want an extra scoop of ice cream.  It’s a different experience each time you learn something new about where a quote comes from or who said it.

My quotes come from my family mainly or, as such a nerd I am, from Shakespeare.  It bounces off of your psyche like no tomorrow until you can find that one special time that you can use it openly.  My love for Shakespeare stems from my love of the arts, be it a play or music. 

One of the quotes that I wanted to share today was one that was very close to my heart.  My father told me this when I came home in tears from being in a fight, I thought for sure that my mom was going to jump my ass when I got home.  My self-confidence had always been low, that was until he gave me this simple advice: Don’t regret your actions.  Live with the consequence and learn from your mistakes.  But never regret your actions.

This simple quote has gotten me through a lot of hard times and I am ecstatic to actually share this with you all today.  This was something that has not only stuck with me, but I am glad that I can pass it down to my son. 

My grandfather, rest his soul, told me something that always brings tears to my eyes.   

In times when you feel hopeless, young one, I want you to think back on the ones who have left in the past.  Riddled with indignation and intolerance toward our way of life.  We have overcome many things in our lives and you will meet the same force we were.  Even if yours comes in the shape of ignorance and ridicule for being who and what you are.  You must never forget who you are and where you come from.  We are the first people and we will continue to be here long after they have torn apart our land.  We will strive to gain back control of our lives and who we once were.  It is up to you and your generation to bring back the old ways that have been stripped from us during our upbringing.   The soap, the rulers, the punishments were worth it as long as you teach your children and grandchildren who we once were. 

It is in this that I bring hope back to my people and it is a driving force in showing my family that I can do what my grandfather wanted me to do.  When it comes to writing and reading it gives me the confidence to get up and do what needs to be done.

The next quote I plan to share with you comes from an actor that I have been quite fond of for some time now.  Since I have a tendency to be either Flamboyant or timid…It would depend on how I feel that day.  And honestly I just do not care how I look to anyone else.  Johnny Depp

I don't pretend to be captain weird. I just do what I do.

Shakespeare…oh dear William.  His words caress me when I am feeling rather down.  It was good to know that some hurt as much as I.  From King Henry to Macbeth to Tybalt to Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, To King Richard.  His words capture our hearts with the images he created.  From Demetrius and Queen Titiana to Othello; these words invoke the ancients wisely, yet still keep you sated for what is to come next.

A valiant death to a quick betrayal.  These things are what pull you under the wordy current and keep you in a dreamlike state for the length of time.
A quote from him was but one that I had to choose carefully.  This chosen one has helped me in the long run in being a parent, because where would we be if our parents never had patience?

No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing.

These quotes are what get me through the day most days when I feel my body start to wane under the stress.  I hope that they will help you all as well.