Thursday, December 4, 2014

Racism and Idiocy

So I have been reading some things that are interesting and rather disturbing.  The whole Redsk*n's thing is something that actually

Friday, September 26, 2014

Random things

So today's ranting seems a bit pointless, but I promise I do have a point.  I'll get to it later on though.  So I sit in class today wondering why I am even here, and then I get hit with a huge epiphany.  This teacher is a hard-ass and it seems she enjoys to watch her students rise up to the occassion, yet if they don't make her expectation she shows her true colors and the maniacal grin spreads to a horrible and twisted laugh. 
I understand the point of pushing your students to do better, but for a teacher to openly show her distaste to a student is just downright unprofessional.  It's idiotic when you think of it.  But I suppose if I had to I still wouldn't be that rude to my students.  Especially when they hold the evaluation sheets at the end of the semester...tsk...tsk...tsk...

Bu this cycle is never ending...but I figure now is the time to make my point...

Makes no sense...but Benjamin Bratt was so damn cute way back when...

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Contradiction

So while listening to a song that had actually pulled from modern life of anti-capitalists was actually mocking and quite refreshing.  People like this song, but all knowing that it’s mocking them of how they think.  A shallow pointless conversation of how they think they are better than everyone, just as the jocks in high school or college treated them.  An outcast by true nature is a nomadic person and by that way of thinking don’t really need to show others what they really know.  They are happy in their quite little existence, just to be.  The idiotic conversations of some and the stupidity of others was something we all have to deal with in one way or another.  It seems that this little Nazi-induced rebellion against the government in one way or another is actually quite pathetic, to say the least.

An anti-capitalist is like saying you’re not just an anarchist, but also shop at Wal-Mart to help out the economy.  Do you see how contradictory this is?  Sorry, I’m just rambling.  It seems to be the competency issue from the world leaders and the fact that communism is going to become a completely true issue in the states.  It’s amazing how we all get to be free, but at what cost?  We are constantly watched and listened to.  We are constantly being bombarded with wars and it makes you think that one day Big Brother is going to have total control of our lives.

I understand the contradiction in my words and thus strive to understand them even more.  There two sides to every story and from another person’s point of view, my worries may seem petty or even unreal.  I see no need to point out the flaws of having someone judge me for my words, yet that is what happens so often.  So the question I leave you with is what I was asked today.  “Can you contradict a contraction?”  Let’s see if you can answer this question for me.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Dreams of the Unattainable Kind

Invigoration seems to behold the ticket to success, but also the locked door to rejection.  My mind is warped from watching too many video’s about life in general and I have come to the solid conclusion, for me, that an unattainable dream is the best route.  You may not get there, but you can certainly try and do your best to achieve that certain goal.  It’s a shame to see some leave the unwelcomed door and embrace the fact that they were not good enough to walk through it; contrary to what others tell them.  This is the largest dream in America, but also, for most it seems, the most unattainable one.  A hero for hire would probably have one good run, but then after all of their amazing effort would end up in the most menial job that could be allotted to them.  Then their place in the spotlight is over before the next big fad rolls in and takes over.

In these modern times we reach for certain things that are attainable.  A cashier at gas station, a worker for a grocery store, a barista at the local Starbucks; it is those jobs that most rush to get before others take them.  A menial job, at best, is what gets us from one pay check to another and all that we have to look forward to.  A job of immense wealth will not just fall into your lap, most that have those high paying jobs have some form of formal education; a tech school, for example, can get you into an industry of your choosing, but it will not guarantee that you would ever surpass your boss or co-workers on the skill level.

In life in general, as well as in music, the most unattainable dream would be to become famous for your work, not your actions.  Unfortunately, to most, your actions show who you are and the way you think.  It may contradict that company’s policies or enhance it.  It would depend completely on you and your skill set level.  It’s amazing what kids are learning in school’s these days and the advancement of technology.  Soon enough no one will be able to hide anything.  All of your faults and strengths would be on display for all the world to see.  As amazing as it is, it is also scary to know that at the drop of a hat, everyone on earth will be able to know everything about you.

Every invigorating conversation and every unknown element will be soon known to all mankind.  The wetlands, behind my school, are being disregarded to make way for a new connector to the highway around town.  So for those who think that this disrupting of the environment would be a good thing to save twenty minutes of driving, we are in disagreement.  I’m not a purest or an activist, but I understand that destroying an ecosystem can in no way be healthy for the rest of our environment.  Cars roll through this town constantly, even late in the night and early morning.  I understand that everyone is always in a hurry for something.  I come from The South, and everything in the country is slower than anywhere else in the world, but it wouldn’t hurt to take your time to avoid the accidents that rushing prove to be fatal at times.  Save, for the kids that rush to get to school, I understand the need to slow down and take your time every once in a while.  Wow, who knew I had all that in me?  Thank you for reading what I have rambled about for the last ten minutes. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A small report on Life

Life matters.  Not just mine, or yours, but all life.  I have been told this by so many people that it has stuck with me every time I try to discourage another person’s way of thinking.  It’s not as if I needed to be right, but it seems that even the most trivial view of some has a greater intolerance to others.  I have decided that taking Soc 101 is a great avenue to see the world as a whole.

Aristotle’s quote: “The Sum of the Parts is greater than the whole” could be used in a greater context than even he thought possible.  With so many people on this planet; you, in your whole life, would only get to see a fraction of this.  Still it would be only just a part of the whole. You would think of the world as a whole instead of the many different, wonderful, and yet, sometimes terrifying, things in this world that would offer your view to be obscured in one way or another.  

Take America, for instance, our country is founded by English immigrants that came to settle here and the Natives that were already here.  The constant exposure to new cultures has left us more tolerant, yet still unrefined, in our ambitious lives.  The Eclectic compilation of people here is but a fraction of the whole.  
The fact that in one city you would find a Native American community, an African American community, an Anglo community, French, Asian, Indian; it is these eclectic groups of people that would broaden your horizon to distinguish where this person was from or that person and learn new things about yourself that you had never even fathomed before.  

Racism within communities is to be expected, because of the ignorance of others.  That is where you could change your perspective on the matter as a whole.  A person, whether they have light skin, dark skin, brown or olive skin; it’s a matter of who that person is, not what they are that defines them.  When you take a person you just met into consideration and act on the importance of actually getting to know that person, you would see something that most cannot.  

In my younger days I was bullied, so I became a bully.  It wasn’t a bright and shining way of life, so do you see?  If you discriminate against a person you are teaching your child that its okay, when it’s not; or you are teaching the person that you are harassing that your entire race is the same way.  When that train of thought enters a person’s mind it sticks and then you’re stuck with another bigoted person that the world has no need for.  Our brothers-in-arms, so to speak, are the ones not afraid to stand on the front lines beside you and tell your, bully, captor, or whatever, that no matter what you have a support system.

It is with this way of thinking that I touch on a research topic that stems from my brief lecture from my Soc 101 Professor.  In his introduction, he spoke of the Pine Ridge reservation in Pine Ridge, SD; But also of his home land across the ‘pond’.  He said the similar conditions of Pine Ridge and his home country had made him feel actually very homely.  His approach of the reservation was actually quite refreshing, as opposed to the tired sayings that ‘natives are good for nothing’ and drunks.  A native student attending an all-Caucasian academy would be able to tell you how it feels to be ostracized for the color of your skin.  I, myself, have been in that situation.  It is not pleasant.  Using my experience as the only native person in an entire school system, with the exception of my younger brother, it brought with it an amount of attention that I had never been accustomed to.  I had been accosted by many people asking what my ancestors were like. How did it feel to live in a Tipi.  It was actually quite difficult to get through a day of school when everyone stared at you like had an extra head and were the color purple.  I got through it and ended up making friends.  The novelty wore off and I was more than ecstatic to return to my home at the end of the first semester.  I didn’t think I’d have been able to deal with the new incoming students and their questions.  My brother, on the other hand, loved the attention he was given.  He was, and still is, a ham for attention.  As I got older I found that meeting new people broadened my views of the people in this world.  It’s their way of thinking that had changed my own.  I was grateful to teachers that I had once thought were not worth my time.

I will forever be grateful to my Elementary principle for the patience he had with me and explaining the race issue that seemed to drive people to do their ignorant actions.  So in conclusion, I just wanted to touch this little project that I will be starting soon.  Thank you for reading my nonsense.  Have a good day.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

No Legacy is so rich as honesty. - William Shakespeare

Quotes come from the brain and sometimes leave a lasting impression.  We’re not sure where exactly they come from; maybe you heard it somewhere and decided to say it…or something of that nature.  We say these things like mantras to get ourselves through the next day or year. 
My younger cousin, who we’ll call Cassie, decided to live her life from a quote she read while she was reading a fanfiction.  Define Fanfiction, for us Kaeru, please:  Fanfiction: fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.
Not just any fanfiction, but from Twilight.  Now I don’t really care for the series, because the undertone of letting someone else control your life seems pretty daunting, to say the least.  Any way there was one quote that she has lived by since she first read these stories.  Now I do give credit to some of the writers of the stories because they, clearly, have a better grasp of Stephanie Meyers’ world than even she does.  This quote that she read was this: You are worth it.

Now this quote is actually very inspirational and I have to agree with her that it does send your confidence up when you are trying new things, or you just want an extra scoop of ice cream.  It’s a different experience each time you learn something new about where a quote comes from or who said it.

My quotes come from my family mainly or, as such a nerd I am, from Shakespeare.  It bounces off of your psyche like no tomorrow until you can find that one special time that you can use it openly.  My love for Shakespeare stems from my love of the arts, be it a play or music. 

One of the quotes that I wanted to share today was one that was very close to my heart.  My father told me this when I came home in tears from being in a fight, I thought for sure that my mom was going to jump my ass when I got home.  My self-confidence had always been low, that was until he gave me this simple advice: Don’t regret your actions.  Live with the consequence and learn from your mistakes.  But never regret your actions.

This simple quote has gotten me through a lot of hard times and I am ecstatic to actually share this with you all today.  This was something that has not only stuck with me, but I am glad that I can pass it down to my son. 

My grandfather, rest his soul, told me something that always brings tears to my eyes.   

In times when you feel hopeless, young one, I want you to think back on the ones who have left in the past.  Riddled with indignation and intolerance toward our way of life.  We have overcome many things in our lives and you will meet the same force we were.  Even if yours comes in the shape of ignorance and ridicule for being who and what you are.  You must never forget who you are and where you come from.  We are the first people and we will continue to be here long after they have torn apart our land.  We will strive to gain back control of our lives and who we once were.  It is up to you and your generation to bring back the old ways that have been stripped from us during our upbringing.   The soap, the rulers, the punishments were worth it as long as you teach your children and grandchildren who we once were. 

It is in this that I bring hope back to my people and it is a driving force in showing my family that I can do what my grandfather wanted me to do.  When it comes to writing and reading it gives me the confidence to get up and do what needs to be done.

The next quote I plan to share with you comes from an actor that I have been quite fond of for some time now.  Since I have a tendency to be either Flamboyant or timid…It would depend on how I feel that day.  And honestly I just do not care how I look to anyone else.  Johnny Depp

I don't pretend to be captain weird. I just do what I do.

Shakespeare…oh dear William.  His words caress me when I am feeling rather down.  It was good to know that some hurt as much as I.  From King Henry to Macbeth to Tybalt to Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, To King Richard.  His words capture our hearts with the images he created.  From Demetrius and Queen Titiana to Othello; these words invoke the ancients wisely, yet still keep you sated for what is to come next.

A valiant death to a quick betrayal.  These things are what pull you under the wordy current and keep you in a dreamlike state for the length of time.
A quote from him was but one that I had to choose carefully.  This chosen one has helped me in the long run in being a parent, because where would we be if our parents never had patience?

No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing.

These quotes are what get me through the day most days when I feel my body start to wane under the stress.  I hope that they will help you all as well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wonderings for your tastes

College?  University?  Academy?  Tech School?  It's these names that keep me wondering if what I'm doing here is the correct way of thinking.  Shouldn't I be worried about where my life is going?  They say if you get into a good school it will open up your views and lead to a greater destination than you ever thought possible.  While I do believe that some of that is true, I am also a firm believer that I make my own destiny, I suppose you could say.  I don't believe in fate or destiny. 

I have often been referred to as a cynic and, again, while I do believe that it may be true, I am also a person that likes to appeal more to my logic side in that sense.  I have no reason to believe otherwise. Even if I do use my creative side more than some, I do believe in a bit of structure.

The linear pattern that most think how your brain recalls memories is actually not correct.  It intrigues me to see that we think in fractions instead of the 'whole' picture.  That would be how most would interpret it, I guess.  The fact that most people do not try and use the common sense they were gifted with is just completely beyond me.  I understand that if your stressed and have a, for lack of a better term, brain-fart, then shouldn't they do everything in their power to try to better themselves?

Just useless ramblings, but oh well.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Trivial matters of the mind mean not.  Exotic thoughts of tigers, lions, and bears wiggle throughout my brain like the idiotic dance of a storyteller with awkward hand movements.  Graceful?  No, unrelated and seemingly unconnected, but jointed to a larger purpose that makes no sense.  Misshapen thoughts and warped memories of the past.  A first person's point of view on life.  No matter how a person tells you the story from their point of view you'd never see what truly happened.  A ritual of embellishment meant to keep their own faults at bay.

Sayings like, "It wasn't me." or "I didn't do that" would be the first suspicious act that was needed to bring your mind to the conclusion of 'It was them'. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Determination = Excellence

Living in a world where being a single parent happens more often than not, I have come to the realization that determination is a key component to finishing something that I have started.  Most, it seems, abide by this solution, but it’s not always a correct one.  You could have all the determination in the world, but if you don’t know anything, then you would be screwed.
Is it possible though?  To achieve what you want by determination alone?

Say a college football player, or baseball player, was determined to make it to the pros.  Although his determination will drive him to do the impossible, is it possible that he wasn’t cut out for it?  Would that mean that his dreams and hopes were dashed because he had deluded himself into thinking that he was right for it?  These are some of the questions that tend to percolate inside my brain.
My determination is something that I’ve always had trouble understanding.  My mind flips from one thing to another constantly.  Questions of why this? And why that? War within the confines of my brain.  My inspiration for my art is influenced by the art of others; just as my inspirations for writing come from great authors of the world.  I hadn’t known the capacity for abstract thought until my brain swirled with the possibility that how we think isn’t exactly in linear order.  A revelation that has brought more meaning the deeper I delve into it.

Had I known back then that Psychology was more than a one way street, but several twists and turns, then I would have been more inclined to do what I know, now, has to be done.  Determination, it seems, gives us strength.  It is the drive of ancients and the building blocks of a scientific era.  My determination for next semester is to do what I must for my grades to keep them up; also my ability to keep my family happy.

I hope my son sees my determination and knows that he can do it.  So my goal is to keep going and do my best to be proud and make my son proud of me.